Charity Service
We offer a free service for registered charities wishing to sell their donated items at auction.
We appreciate the problems many charities experience trying to value donated items. Unfortunately there are still many instances where a valuable item goes unrecognised by the shop manager, is underpriced and snapped up by an eagle eyed opportunist costing the charities many hundreds of pounds.
Charity sellers at The Auction Centre include:
- Age UK
- Oxfam
- Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
- The British Heart Foundation
- St Rocco’s Hospice
- Save The Children
- The Children’s Society
- St Thomas’s Church, St Helens
- Billinge Family Church
- Special Air Sea Services
- Tango St Marks
- Claire House Children's Hospice
- The Royal National Lifeboat Institute
We can help any charity with our FREE SERVICE specially designed for registered charities wishing to sell their donated items at auction. Whether it is just one or two items or a full van load we can sell with NO charges incurred.